I apologize for dropping out of site for several weeks! I have been consumed full time with activities associated with preparing for my book launch on April 19th.
When I wrote my book, I had no idea that so much time and effort would need to go into promoting it. In retrospect, I should have known but I guess I never thought about it. And once I started focusing on it, I learned that most marketing is online these days and it is a complex field with lots of elements.
This author was excited that she had just sold her 17th book.
There are many thousands of authors who write a book and put it up on Amazon.com, and there it sits. I am in a few Facebook groups with other authors. Recently an author made a post that reflects this. This author was excited to announce that she had just sold her 17th book. Now, I don’t know how long her book has been available, but it is clear that just because a book is available on Amazon, that doesn't mean that anyone will know it's there.
I met yesterday with an old friend who is also a marketing professional. I outlined for him the things I have done, thus far, trying to make connections with people who might be interested in reading my book. He is going to help me organize a more detailed plan to connect with prospective readers over time.
This is a long term effort that will need to continue well into the future as I release my second and perhaps other books. One of the things my friend pointed out was that if I wish to be recognized, or known as an author, my blog really should have more information about me in it. Certainly I can write on the political divide at times but if I wish to connect with people as an author, I need to write more about my writing and perhaps some political and other news that influences it. So, my blog will no longer be purely about looking at issues from both sides of the political divide and more about my writing, what influences it and my experiences promoting the books.
... my book, Wayward Patriot: Preserving the Vote will be available for purchase beginning Patriots' Day, April 19.
I have to say that my self-publishing coach told me that a while ago. I just couldn’t imagine that there would be anyone out there interested in reading about an author who has not been published! Well, that is about to change as my book, Wayward Patriot: Preserving the Vote, will be available for purchase beginning April 19! Still, there is a lot of work in preparing for that and I am learning new things along the way.