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Jan 30, 20234 min read
Is our great divide about politics or culture?
My overall purpose for this blog site is to try and present both sides of important issues that we are dealing with in our society. I...

Jan 22, 20234 min read
Biden/Trump classified docs. How do they compare?
During the past six months classified documents has been in the news almost a daily. Initially the focus was on classified documents...

Jan 16, 20235 min read
What would Dr. King say about America today?
I’m out on a limb as I write my blog this week. I feel like I am not really qualified to write on the subject of race equality.. As a...

Jan 8, 20234 min read
Is China our competitor or our adversary?
The topic of China is in the headlines quite frequently these days. China is struggling in various ways and sometimes appears to be...

Jan 2, 20233 min read
Expectations for Congress in 2023
Republicans take over in the House of Representatives in this New Year. What should we expect to see that is different from 2022?...

Dec 25, 20222 min read
Can an infant born in a barn and placed in a feeding trough bring peace?
Merry Christmas! We frequently receive Christmas cards wishing a Merry Christmas. We also receive greetings of, joy and even peace on...
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